China's strategic interests in Pakistan which lies beyond the scope of its flagship project, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Although CPEC is the linchpin of Sino-Pakistani relations, China's grand strategy comprises a constellation of geopolitical, security, economic and cultural goals. Geopolitically: While China attempts to reduce Indian influence in the region and secure strategic maritime road through Arabian Sea. China is steadily diversifying into other segments of the economy financially like investments in agriculture, technology, and acquisitions of raw materials elsewhere while looking out for new markets to sell Chinese goods at home. Security cooperation encompasses shared counterterrorism measures and military exercises, with connectivity through Gwadar port that bolsters China marine power. China's cultural efforts focus on boosting soft power via educational exchanges, media inroads, and cultural diplomacy. Challenges remain, from regional instability and resistance on the ground. Educational exchanges, media presence and cultural diplomacy are among the efforts undertaken to strengthen soft power in China. While the Comprehensive and Strategic Engagement with Pakistan as a key specter of region wide stability and local resistance is nothing less than a formidable task, it manifests China's long-term commitment to cultivating an allrounded partnership which goes much beyond infrastructural projects. A deep penetration into the veins of Pakistani security landscape helps to appreciate both strategic motives behind Beijing's enduring commitment in Pakistan and strategic consequences for regional stability. Pakistan and China matured the entire relationship from political-strategic cooperation to a more economic partnership. This is where China-Pakistan Economic Corridor stands as a gamechanger, bringing a new environment of vibrancy and win-win situation for both countries. The partnership includes breaking new areas of cooperation beyond traditional domains including through energy collaboration, academic exchanges, and people-to-people ties. The iconic Pak-China friendship or “Iron Brothers” that defines the bond as one of complete cooperation and understanding in terms of national interests. Pakistan and China through their collective science, technology & environmental conservation efforts aim to translate these technological innovations into a meaningful progress. The way forward for the Pakistan and China relations is also quite promising with sustainability, cooperation as being hall marks and it seems to be inevitable.