Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): Pakistan Journal of International Affairs


Published 2024-06-20


Pakistan, an important country in South Asia due to its nuclear power status, second-largest Muslim population, and geo-strategic location, is currently experiencing a turbulent period in its history as a result of the Pakistani Taliban’s ongoing terrorism activities. This research will investigate the circumstances that contributed to the establishment and spread of the Taliban in Pakistan, arguing that they pose a substantial threat to the country’s national security. Pakistani Taliban emerged as a result of the emergence of Islamist ideology following the Afghan Jihad and changing socio-cultural dynamics within the Pak-Afghan border region. Apart from religion, other factors have also played a role in this development. Despite the presence of significant moderates within Pakistani society, the Taliban’s expansion can be attributed to the country’s socio-political situation being intelligently manipulated and exploited, as well as the presence of some extra-regional forces. The increase in terrorist acts perpetrated by the Taliban has had a direct impact on the political, military, diplomatic, economic, and social security spheres, in addition to producing major challenges to human security. As a result, the country’s national security environment has been severely harmed. Despite the government’s political resolve, a decade-long security campaign, and a high price paid in various domains, the security situation still leaves much to be desired. Though the study will include a historical account of the problem, particularly after 1979, the primary focus will be on the current operational scenario of tuberculosis, its influence, ideology, and modes of operation, as well as how it has affected Pakistan’s National Security.