At beginning of the 21st century the wave of women empowerment in Pakistan, especially in politics, has remained a popular phenomenon for academic debates. There is no doubt that in 2002, before the general elections, women have been given the chance to induct themselves into political errands of the country under the famous slogan of ‘enlightened moderation’ by Gen. Pervez Musharraf, and the history witnessed a maximum number of female politicians in the legislative assemblies. This research is aimed at analyzing critically the phenomenon of women empowerment under the Musharraf regime with identifying correlation between an increased number of female politicians on fixed seats and the strength of women as a gender. For this purpose, the variables of violence against women and women’s employability have been evaluated as dependent on the increased political representation of women in Pakistan. To understand the connection between both variables, a quantitative method has been used to get the statistical data of women politicians in the assemblies, cases of violence against women and ratio of women employability during Musharraf regime and through qualitative analysis; it is found that increased political representation failed to escalate strength of women as a gender.