Muhammad bin Salman has consistently exploited the ideas of change, transparency, and accountability to promote Vision 2030. The kingdom will probably see more movements in the direction of liberalism, democracy, pluralism, or freedom of speech soon. The Middle East (ME) experienced a variety of political upheavals in the years following the Arab Spring; some nations, particularly those that led to a new political era, felt the effects of this upheaval immediately. In Saudi Arabia, however, the government chose to appease the rivals by making a few economic and social accommodations. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is currently pursuing a modernization strategy beneath of the direction of youngest leader Muhammad bin Salman, which includes two components: first, a move toward social liberalization; and second, the launching of new revenue streams and a reduction in reliance on oil money. Behind every action is a long-term plan to keep their people loyal and increase Saudi Arabia’s power in the Middle East. This article assesses the objectives of Muhammad Bin Salman's Vision, also known as Saudi Vision 2030, and tactics that describe significant adjustments to the social structure and modifications to the al Saudi monetary and budgetary measures and policies. The political, religious, familial, and institutional difficulties so as to could undermine the hallucination and its possibility of achievement are highlighted in this study.