Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): Pakistan Journal of International Affairs


Published 2022-05-29


The interdependence of international relations and international law, both of which were controlled by European metropolises at the beginning of the nineteenth century, were all products of this period. Vattel's view of nations as equal moral individuals was another result of this time period. A byproduct of this time period is the existing global structure, as well as the erroneous understanding of the international system, which holds that it is made up of countries that are formally equal and sovereign in their own right. The interconnected nature of international law and the international relations that were controlled by European metropolises at the beginning of the nineteenth century is the primary topic of this research. This idea, which continues to play a significant role in the development of interpretations of global politics within the domain of international relations, bears with it the colonial heritage of a world that is stratified. With the help of postcolonial studies and recent study in international law, the field of international relations can improve its understanding of the existing order of the global political system by doing historical research.