Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): Pakistan Journal of International Affairs

The Core Issue of Stability in Afghanistan: Envisioning the Future of Peace Deal

Published 2020-12-29


Afghanistan has been a battleground to the world’s largest powers. From USSR to NATO, through the Taliban, and now to the peace deal, Afghanistan holds a remarkable and yet chaotic history. Amidst the wars, some have succeeded for a limited time while others have failed. NATO has a history with Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks in the USA. The crucial matter is how to guarantee that states budding from divergence are set with the basics on which to assemble a robust peace. The keen and incisive analysis in serenity and the Public Purse provides a precious involvement to this attempt. This article provides an analysis of the post-9/11 period and the invasion of Afghanistan by U.S. forces, focusing on the ethnic origin of the native fighters and how assorted groups engaged in dissimilar aspects of the divergence. Furthermore, this learning also highlighted the United States grasp for Afghan civil society, promotes amplified admiration for human rights, helps to fight the prohibited trade in narcotics, and continues to endow with noteworthy humanitarian uphold. The United States has owed approximately $29 billion in civilian aid for Afghanistan and the perspective of U.S. policy headed for Afghanistan cannot be in point of truth assessed exclusively of a nearer estimation of Afghanistan’s existing and emergent security, political, and economic landscapes—and their collision on U.S. strategic aims.